Sweet Little Boy Sings National Anthem For An Emotional Steve Harvey

As a singer, one of the greatest honors you can ever receive is an invitation to perform the National Anthem. Rock stars, country singers, and everyday people have all offered their own takes on the National Anthem. But we guarantee that you’ve never heard it like you’re about to right now. 

At only seven years old, Gavin Stevens is known nationwide for his inspiring voice and equally inspiring story. Gavin was born with a rare disease called Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis, or LCA, which is known for causing a severe loss of vision. The disease is so rare in fact, that only 150 people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with it.

There is currently no cure for LCA, but Gavin’s parents are hopeful that one can be found. They established an organization named after their son, the Gavin R. Stevens Foundation, which works to “raise awareness and increase funding for research to find a treatment and cure for blindness, focusing on Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis (LCA).” If you’d like to learn more about the foundation, or would like to donate to help others like Gavin, you can do so by clicking here.

As inspiring as Gavin’s story is, just wait until you hear him sing. Gavin generated immense attention after he performed the National Anthem at a hockey game for the Los Angeles Kings. After that experience, Gavin decided to show off his talent on a special competition show designed just for kids, called Little Big Shots.

Steve Harvey serves as the host of the show, and he had an adorable exchange with Gavin. Seated next to Steve on the couch, Gavin asked if he could rub his head because he heard that he was bald. Steve happily obliged, and Gavin sweetly told him that he loved him. The two shared a cute embrace before Gavin took to the stage to sing the National Anthem.

What happened next surely left the entire crowd in tears.

Gavin delivered a soaring rendition of the National Anthem, pouring his whole heart into each and every word. His passion for the song was evident, as he attacked each note with enthusiasm.

The best part comes at the end, when Gavin hits that famously tricky high note like a pro. You’ll have goosebumps all over your body once you hear him do that.

Now it’s time for you to tune in below and watch this remarkable little boy’s inspiring performance of the National Anthem. We think Gavin has a bright future ahead of him!