Talented Teen Stuns With Heart-Stopping ‘Blue Ain’t Your Color’

In a sea of country songs about lifted trucks and whiskey-fueled nights, Keith Urban‘s “Blue Ain’t Your Color” shines above the rest. While the country crooner has released a string of No.1 hits throughout his impressive career, their truly is something special about this tender country ballad. 

An 18-year-old singer by the name of Brieanna James took Urban’s masterpiece on, completely making the song her own through a stunning rendition of the story. The young talent takes a different approach to the tender country song, switching up various lyrics so as to tell the story through the eyes of a girl yearning for the love of a boy taken by a woman who doesn’t value his love. 

Urban released “Blue Ain’t Your Color” as the fourth single off his critically acclaimed album, Ripcord. The song was heralded as an instant classic, fans praising the song for its heartachingly relatable lyrics matched with the melancholy music. 

Born in Nashville and raised in a small Mississippi town, Brieanna is country through and through. The singer-songwriter is currently in hot pursuit of her star-studded dreams and we’re sure it’s only a matter of time before we hear her on the radio. 

You can hear her “Blue Ain’t Your Color” cover below.