Dogs Greeting Their Heroic Best Friends Will Have You In Tears

The men and women of the United States Military without a doubt sacrifice more than you will ever know in order to serve their country. They leave their families for months – sometimes years – on end and are forced to bid an indefinite farewell to those they love most, including their adoring pets. 

Talkshow host Ellen DeGeneres put together a compilation of pets giving their owners an enthusiastic welcome home because as she says, “there’s nothing better than this.”

Some encounters take place at the airport just as the soldiers get off the plane while others wait patiently at home, but no matter the place, tail-wags and kisses are a must. While most of the encounters are between man and dog, one fluffy kitten enthusiastically leaps into her best friend’s arms to close out the video. 

Every soldier deserves a warm welcome home, and these pets make sure that is just what they get. Grab some tissues because these videos of pets greeting their heroic best friends will have you in tears!