Veterinarian Sweetly Sings ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ To Scared Pup Before Surgery
on May 03, 2017
It’s always a little stressful to have surgery. A pup named Ruby knew this feeling all too well when she was preparing to undergo a procedure at Colorado’s Fox Hollow Animal Hospital.
The veterinarians could tell just how nervous she was, so one took matters into his own hands to try and calm her down. Dr. Ross Henderson grabbed his guitar and sat on the ground with Ruby in his lap and did one of the sweetest things we’ve ever seen.
He sang her Elvis Presley’s iconic song “Can’t Help Falling In Love” and after Fox Hollow posted the video on their Facebook, it has pretty much gone viral.
Turns out, Dr. Ross comforting the dogs at Fox Hollow isn’t a rarity. According to NBC 9News, “he’ll often sit with animals when they’re anxious at the vet office. He finds the biggest kennel he can (he’s six-foot-five), and will soothe them simply by laying with them.“
After seeing Ruby’s response to the song, he is thinking of keeping a guitar at the hospital for these exact instances. The video has been watched well over 3 million times on Fox New’s Facebook page alone.
When Dr. Ross shared the video on his own Facebook, he used the caption, “Sometimes an audience of one is the most special.”
Watch the sweet serenade below.