Willie Robertson Gives Teenage Son Horrible And Hysterical Dating Advice
on Dec 02, 2016
Being the father of six kids, you’d think Willie Robertson would be a seasoned professional at giving out advice. He may think he’s excellent at it, but by the look on his wife, Korie’s face, he may need some more practice.
Willie and Korie’s 15-year-old son, Little Will, came to them needing some guidance.
“There’s this girl at school,” he says. “I really wanna get her something that’s really nice.”
Without skipping a beat, Willie chimed in saying, “Some advice. Do not go spend a lot of money on a gift. You set the bar low. You need to use your brain and think of something free.”
Korie looked appalled by what her husband just told their son. Clearly, this is not good advice and the whole interaction is hilarious. This is just a preview of an upcoming episode of Duck Dynasty, so we guess we’ll have to see what comes of it soon!
Good luck, Little Will! Watch the hysterical clip below.