Brad Paisley & Wife Kimberly Attempt To Film COVID-19 PSA & End Up With Blooper Reel
on Mar 27, 2020

Brad Paisley and wife Kimberly are part of a statewide public service announcement in Tennessee called “Do Your Part, Stay Apart.” Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, they are encouraging everyone to do their part in staying home and self-quarantining to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.
While filming the PSA they were having a hard time remembering their lines, mispronouncing words, knowing when the camera was on, the family dog jumping on the table in front of them, and having a case of the giggles. Kimberly even playfully shoves Brad at the end of the clip after he says, “Do Your Part, Stay Apart.” Thankfully they put these bloopers all together in a video and posted them on social media for our enjoyment.
Brad sarcastically captioned the reel:
“The state of Tennessee asked us to do a PSA to encourage people to #stayhome and it went flawlessly. We are highly trained smooth talkin’ professionals.”
The compassionate couple announced in February of 2018 that they were opening a grocery store called The Store, describing it as “a non-profit free grocery store for individuals and families seeking self-sufficiency.”
The Store opened earlier than expected in light of the tornadoes in Nashville and the COVID-19 outbreak to be able to provide immediate assistance to everyone in need.
Huge thanks to Brad and Kimberly for always bringing joy and laughter to us and supporting their community!
Watch Brad and Kimberly’s hilarious PSA blooper reel below.