College Guy Chugs Bud Light Through His Nostril
on Oct 08, 2019 • Updated Jan 15, 2025

Nose chugging is apparently something happening these days on college campuses – and we have to say: it’s not something that we ever thought we’d witness.
With so many other GREAT ways to actually drink beer, this has to be one of the least pleasant methods of consuming alcohol…and snorting it through a nostril probably can’t be good for your sinuses.
Apparently one young male student at East Carolina University devised this peculiar (and probably painful) new way of not only drinking but – chugging – a beer through his left nostril…and of course, someone was on hand to record it.
As the man pours beer into his nose and somehow manages to not even spill a drop – a young blonde girl watches in horror as he chugs an entire can of Bud Light through one nostril.
Check out this crazy video below – and tell us if you’ve ever seen something like this!