Farm Dog Saves Entire Flock Of Sheep From Australian Wildfire

patsythecorryongwonderdog / Instagram

A border collie living in Australia named Patsy has recently become famous after being posted on Facebook for rounding up a flock of sheep and herding them away from a blazing fire headed towards their farm.

It happened early in the morning on December 31st in a rural town called Corryong located in Victoria, Australia. When they spotted a line of fire headed their way, Patsy and her owner who didn’t want his name released to the media ran off into the field to round up the sheep.

Fortunately, because of Patsy’s quick herding skills, they were able to get all the sheep into the safest paddock on the farm before the fire got to them. Once the sheep were safe, Patsy found a spot to sit and watch over the farm while her owner got on his tractor with a tank of water and went back out into the field to fight the flames.

As best he could he put out the fire line headed towards his farm and not only did the sheep get saved but the hay bales, silage, the shearing shed, and both farmhouses were saved as well. Patsy has now become a hero to the local community and in the media.

“Everyone is just trying to get water and feed to their animals, shoot the ones that can’t be saved, get temporary fences up to keep stock secure, and put out all the logs and stumps still burning,” Cath, the sister to the dog’s owner told

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