Fish Bites Man’s Arm & Drops Him To The Ground
on Jan 17, 2023 • Updated Jan 15, 2025

A guy down at a dock somewhere had his arm swallowed by a fish…and lived to tell that tale!
According to the title of the YouTube video, “Watch as man gets his hand eaten by giant fish,” you’d think the man lost his entire hand. However, we’re here to inform you otherwise.
In the video, the man already looks like he had battled with a few fish or two because his forearm is bloody and ripped open from previous bites from fish he’s tried catching with his own two hands.
The man was laying on the dock on his belly and dangling what one could only imagine is a piece of bait in the water below, when a massive three-footer leaps put the water, and swallows his arm whole.
The fish was HUGE!
It clamed onto the man’s arm and looked like it was going to rip his whole arm off…however, that didn’t happen — Instead, he battled that beast with all he had as another onlooker held onto his legs while he hung over the dock struggling to hold onto the fish.
The fish tried with all its might to wiggle away but within seconds others rushed to his aid and helped him get to his feet with the fish still in his arms.
With his crocs locked into sports mode, he tried to wrangle the massive three-footer but the fish flapped around for its life and slammed the man from his feet back down to his belly on the dock.