Jury Finds Shooter Of Johnny Cash Water Tower Silhouette Guilty

NBC News / YouTube

Timothy Sled, the man who shot a hole through the crotch area of the Johnny Cash silhouette on the Kingsland water tower, has been found guilty of impairing the operation of a vital public facility as well as first-degree criminal mischief.

Sled took his aim at the silhouette back in May of last year (2022) and gave the impression of the Man in Black relieving himself on his own hometown.

The Mayor of Kingsland, Luke Neal estimated the repair costs to be around $5,000.

“It might seem small in bigger places, but for here it’s a pretty large number,” Mayor Neal said about the incident back when it happened, according to FOX.

“Somebody shot our water tower, shot the silhouette of Johnny Cash in a very sensitive area,” Mayor Neal added. “It’s been leaking for the last almost week.”

Now, we know some may find this funny, but let’s not forget that acts of vandalism have real consequences. The water tower is a vital public utility that serves the residents of Kingsland, and as such, it cannot be taken lightly.

Sled will have to pay $5,000 for each count and $5,000 in restitution ($15,000 total), or else he’ll be spending some time behind bars. Hopefully, this will be a lesson to all the pranksters out there to think twice before aiming for Johnny Cash’s crotch.

We can only imagine what Johnny Cash himself would have thought of it.

Watch Footage Of The Leaking Water Tower Below

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