Kelly Clarkson Reveals News Fans Have Been Waiting To Hear
on Mar 27, 2023

Kelly’s New Album…What We Knew In The Past
For years now, Kelly Clarkson has been talking about a new album. The upcoming project will be her first non-holiday album released since she filed for divorce from Brandon Blackstock in June 2020.
Clarkson previously said the album was inspired by the emotions she felt during her divorce. Because of that, it took her awhile to be ready to release the record:
“Look, I’m gonna be really honest with you…it took a minute for me to be able to release this album,” she said during a Q&A session in January of this year. “Cause I just had to be over it, through it, all around it, I had to get past it to be able to talk about it.”
During that same Q&A session, Clarkson described the album as being “a great arc of a whole relationship.” While some of the songs channel “sad or mad” feelings, not all of them do.
At that time, Clarkson said her new album is set to be released sometime this year.
What We Know Now
Finally, Clarkson shared an important piece of information about her new album on Sunday (March 26). She revealed its title!
Clarkson’s new album is named Chemistry. She explained the meaning behind the title in a video message on social media:
“I was trying to find a word that really described the whole thing,” she said. “Because I didn’t want everybody to think I was coming out with some, like, ‘I’m angry. I’m sad.’ Just one or two emotions. This album is definitely the arc of an entire relationship. A whole relationship shouldn’t just be brought down to one thing…Chemistry can be a really amazing, sexy, cool, fun thing, but it can also be bad for you. So that’s why I named it Chemistry. I thought it was kinda the perfect title.”
Clarkson also shared that “Chemistry” is one of the songs on the record. To top it off, she announced an upcoming performance “engagement” in Las Vegas named after Chemistry.
Watch Clarkson’s video revealing her album title below. We’re so anxious to hear her new music!