Man And Dog Break Through Icy Lake To Save Two Other Dogs
on Mar 20, 2019

Freezing temperatures. Two dogs stranded in an icy lake. Wait until you hear what happened!
Breaking The Ice
Melissa Kho and her husband Timofey Yuriev were both walking through the wooded trails of Irvington Woods Trail System when they noticed two dogs walking on a frozen lake – and then falling through the ice. The owner of the two dogs started to stress out seeing her pups trapped, stranded and freezing. That’s when Timofey does what nobody thought anyone would do. He started taking off his cloths to get in the lake!
ABC News reported when the dogs broke through the ice everyone watching knew it would take a rescue team way too long to get to the remote location. But Timofey is from Siberia, where he often got into icy cold waters as a child for fun. He knew he was the only one who could save them. He got undressed and started making his way into the lake. He wasn’t alone on this rescue mission though. Kira, Timofey’s dog also jumped into the freezing water to assist.
The Rescue Mission Begins
You can see in the video below both of them putting their hands and paws on the ice in front of them breaking a path towards the first stranded dog. They crushed through until they reached the pup and motioned for it to swim back to shore with them. Even Kira put her paws on the back of the other dog pushing it in the direction of dry land. They all moved with a quickness.
As soon as the first dog was on shore, Timofey and Kira didn’t waste any time and went back for the other stranded dog. Watching with excitement, the second dog splashed around until they broke through to him. As the second dog swam to safety you can hear its owner say:
“I’m the luckiest person in the world.”
Everyone made it back to solid ground safely – and that was just the beginning of the celebration. Melissa filmed everything and posted it on Facebook. Once news sources found out they began to spread the heartwarming story and it started going viral.
What happened afterwards
One of the news outlets Inside Edition later reached out asking to do an interview. Timofey was happy to oblige but only on one condition. He asked “if they have an investigative journalist, who is ready to go in the ice water. No wet-suits, no clothes, just the breath-work and activation point pressure,” then he’d do it. Timofey said the crew and reporters all agreed to get into the water.
It was awe-inspiring to witness Kira and Timofey go fearlessly into the water to save the dogs and that Melissa was able to capture it all on camera for the world to see. Watch the full footage and interview in the video below!