Music Executive Kidnapped Leaving Nashville SoHo House
on Jan 30, 2024

Last week, a female music executive was kidnapped and robbed while leaving Nashville’s SoHo House. Metro Police are currently investigating the incident.
Law enforcement reported that the 40-year-old woman was leaving a meeting at SoHo House just before 8 p.m. when two robbers approached her from behind as she was getting into her car. They wielded guns, instructing her to take the driver’s seat of the vehicle.
SoHo House, situated on Houston Street in South Nashville, is an exclusive club and hotel located approximately 5 minutes from Geodis Park.
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Her Encounter With The Masked Kidnappers
In an alley just outside the club is where the victim encountered the two armed robbers, both described as black men in their 20s, dressed in black clothing and wearing masks.
The woman was chatting on the phone with a friend using her AirPods when the scary situation all went down. Luckily, her friend, who was out of the country at the time, heard her scream and got another friend to call the cops.
Robbers Force Victim On A Cash Hunt
After snatching her phone, which had her wallet attached to the back of the case, the robbers looked up nearby banks and made her drive to three different ATMs. Even though she told them she only had credit cards, they still made her try to get cash, but it didn’t work out.
Subsequently, they had her reach out to a friend for money. Before meeting the friend, the kidnappers instructed the woman to drive back to SoHo House. One of the men got into a dark-colored sedan and followed the victim’s car to the meeting point, where her friend, who had called the police for assistance, had set up the encounter.
The man in the dark-colored sedan trailed behind the woman’s SUV, while the other man remained in the front passenger seat of her car as they headed toward the rendezvous point with her friend on West End Avenue.
That’s when the kidnappers spotted the police.
She was instructed to drive away, and shortly afterward, the man in her car requested her to stop so he could exit.
As soon as the robber in her car noticed the police, he seized the woman’s keys, opened the door, and sprinted to the other robber’s sedan. Since the victim’s car was running and didn’t require a key to drive after ignition, she accelerated toward West End where the police were positioned. The suspects managed to escape with her phone and wallet.
Police Seek SoHo House Kidnappers
Despite escaping unharmed, the victim remains shaken. Additionally, her family members have received threats via text messages following the kidnapping, while friends note that she is still emotionally affected.
Police are now on the lookout for the robbers. Detectives are also examining surveillance videos in the area to identify them.
If you have any information about the kidnapping and robbery, you can call Crime Stoppers at 615-742-7463.