Park Rangers Find Three-Eyed Snake In Australia
on Jun 12, 2019 • Updated Apr 23, 2020

The Rare Three-Eyed Snake
Rangers riding down the Arnhem Highway in Humpty Doo, Australia found one of the rarest snakes on the planet, a three-eyed snake!
“Our Rangers found a three-eyed snake on the Arnhem Highway near Humpty Doo just out of Darwin. It was a juvenile, approximately 40cm long.”
The snake was crossing the highway when it was three-months-old and after the Rangers saw that it had three eyes they picked it up to run a medical test on it. Mutated snakes normally don’t live that long so they were surprised they even found it.
Rangers Run Medical Test On It
The Rangers took it to the Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife reserve and ran some x-rays and found it didn’t have three eyes because two snakes were mutated into one body. But instead, when the snake was a baby being developed in the egg it legitimately grew another eye.
NT Parks and Wildlife said, “The snake is peculiar as an x-ray revealed it was not two separate heads forged together, rather it appeared to be one skull with an additional eye socket and three functioning eyes.”
Monty the Snake Goes Viral
They gave it a name, Monty, and took some pictures of it to post on facebook. The pictures of the snake went viral! Getting over 25 thousand shares and 13 thousand comments.
Unfortunately, the snake died not long after that and Ray Chatto from the wildlife reserve said: “It’s remarkable it was able to survive so long in the wild with its deformity and he was struggling to feed before he died last week.”
Long live Monty the Snake; you were a cool dude and you’ll be remembered for some time!