People Torture Sea Turtle By Riding On Her Back After She Laid Eggs
on Jul 09, 2019

people riding vulnerable sea turtle’s back
A video surfaced on July 5th where apparently a group of people in Indonesia found a massive sea turtle laying eggs on the beach and attempted to get back into the water but was slowed down by the people riding on its back.
pregnant with a full belly of eggs
We can imagine the poor turtle probably swam for hundreds of miles, pregnant with a full belly of eggs and finally made it to the beach where she’d lay her eggs. Supposedly she finished the mission of laying her eggs but on her way back to the sea these people decide to do the unthinkable.
Each person takes a turn riding on the turtle and one guy even stands his full adult weight on its back flippers. There’s even one guy in the background holding a large tree branch as if he’s going to hit the vulnerable animal.
local authorities have not done anything about it
The local authorities have not done anything about it nor commented on the situation. However, once the video hit the internet Americans were pissed off about it and flooded the comments with their opinions about this distasteful situation. The World Wildlife Federation says these specific leatherback turtles are the largest turtles in the sea and are on a serious decline in numbers.
“Although their distribution is wide, numbers of leatherback turtles have seriously declined during the last century as a result of intense egg collection and fisheries bycatch.” says the WWF.
If you see one of these majestic creatures, please leave it alone, and if you know who these people are please report them to the Indonesian authorities.