Researchers Uncover 33-Foot Long Pliosaur Surrounded By Bones
on Dec 10, 2019 • Updated Jan 15, 2025

It’s a shark, it’s a squid, it’s a… pliosaur? While you probably haven’t heard of this ancient beast yet, prepare for it to take a recurring role in your nightmares.
Meet Sachicasaurus
“The newest giant pliosaur, an almost 10 m (35 ft) goliath from E. Cret. 130 Ma from what is now Colombia. Sachicasaurus was a serious beast, but ITTY BITTY flippers compared to other pliosaurs (normaly size of head). See Pliosaurus pic. SLOW…ambush predator?— Jim Kirkland (@Paleojim) March 10, 2019
Polish scientists recently discovered 150 million-year-old partial remains of a pliosaur in a field near Krzyżanowice, a village near a Polish mountain range.
“The Jurassic-era bones belonging to a terrifying creature called pliosaurs, were discovered by palaeontologists in a field of corn in the village of Krzyzanowice,”
— POLcast (@mypolcast) November 1, 2019
These not-so-gentle giants were at the top of the marine food chain during the late Jurassic period. The remains of the pliosaur was surrounded by turtle shells and crocodile skulls, indicating that the predator passed away with a full belly.
This discovery allows Polish paleontologists to understand more about the varying time periods during which dinosaurs inhabited their area.