Venomous Snake Miraculously Saved By Couple
on Jul 03, 2019

It is always sad to see an animal in distress and even more so when it is caused by litter. Somehow this poor snake got its head caught in a can. Fortunately for the snake a couple of brave hikers saw it and knew they had to help.
The red-bellied black snake is native to Australia
The red-bellied black snake is one of Australia’s most beautiful snakes but also very venomous. We assume the video was in fact taken in Australia. Although no recorded deaths have been caused by the red-bellied black snake, they can cause severe illness. They are not an aggressive snake but will attack if provoked.
At this point most people would be freaking out
The video goes on to show a man grab the can with the venomous snake stuck inside. He then begins to use a pair of scissors to start cutting the snake out.
Once the can is cut open you can see the snake’s head pop out of the can, just inches away from his hand
The man then makes a dangerous but precise move and grabs the snake by the back of the head. The snake curls up in a defensive move as the man continues to cut the rest of the can away while trying not to injure the snake. You can even hear the woman say, “Wow, he just squirted venom on me.” For most of us that is too close for comfort.
Once the snake is completely free of the can, the man looks him over to make sure it isn’t injured. The snake looks fairly unharmed thankfully and the couple release the beautiful snake back into the wild.
Please pick up your trash to prevent harming animals
If you come across a situation like this we don’t recommend grabbing a venomous snake, but instead to call proper authorities. This couple definitely displayed a calm and collected appreciation for nature and handled the situation quite well thankfully! Check out the video below of not only the snake being stuck, but also some other unfortunate animals that are in need of help as well.