Woman Stands In Empty Jerusalem Church & Sings ‘How Great Thou Art’
on Jul 23, 2018 • Updated Mar 27, 2020

Imagine standing in the very same place mentioned in the Gospel according to John as the site where Jesus performed the healing of a cripple.
If you don’t already have goosebumps, add to the already sacred site the angelic singing of “How Great Thou Art.” Have chills yet?
Magical Acoustics
The singer, RoseAngela, had the privilege of visiting Jerusalem. Her haunting voice echoed throughout the Holy Land ruins thanks to the magical acoustics in the Church of St. Anne located near the Pool of Bethesda.
The singer explains the acoustics in this church are coveted by churches everywhere, but no one has been able to replicate them.
No Help Needed
Believe it or not, RoseAngela sings this age-old song without the aid of any electronic equipment. All she needed was her beautiful voice and her deep passion for worship.
The iconic hymn, “How Great Thou Art,” RoseAngela sang was written in 1779. According to information shared by the singer, the church in which her hallowed words echoed was built during the first half of the twelfth century.
Older Than Old
The Church of St. Anne is among the longest preserved sacred places in Jerusalem.
Adjacent to the church where RoseAngela sang is the Pool of Bethesda near the Lions Gate. The remains of the pool with two baths and five porches relate to the story told in the Gospel according to John.
Ready yourself for a truly spiritual experience. You may even be moved to lift up your voice in song and praise.
This is one performance you’ll never forget.
Are you ready? Hope this brings as much joy to your day as it did to ours.