Woman Tries To Talk To A Koala & It Attacks Her

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touronsofyellowstone / Instagram

Tourons of Yellowstone, an Instagram channel known for people doing stupid things shared a video of a woman getting attacked by a koala bear after she tried to have a conversation with it.

The video showed a line of cars stopped on a road as a woman apparently got out of her car to go speak with a koala sitting on the edge of the road. It’s not 100% clear on what the woman was saying to the animal, but she gestured with her hand for it to follow her and started walking toward the cars.

That’s when things went from cute and cuddly to out of control and frightening. The koala went from being completely still to chasing after the woman, throwing up its clawed paws and trying to attack her.

The startled woman tried to run backways as fast as she could but lost her footing and fell right on her backside, slamming to the ground.

touronsofyellowstone / Instagram

Now that the woman was down on the koala’s level, the animal started to climb on her while she kicked and screamed trying to get it off of her.

The man filming the video inside a big truck laughed as he knew what coming.

“This [explicit] is trying to talk to a [explicit] koala and it’s about to [explicit] her day up, and I’m about it,” he said before the koala started attacking her. “Ayeeeeeee, get em, get em!” He said as the koala started attacking the woman.

Watch Footage Of The Koala Attacking The Woman Below

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Manly Bryant

Manly Bryant is a professional writer, social media community manager, and certified home-grown country boy who was raised in the great state of Kentucky. He grew up fishing, camping, working on a farm, and listening to good ol' country music. When he wasn't getting into fun with his buddies, he was baling hay and chopping…

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