6 Things You Never Knew About Dolly Parton’s Hit TV Movie ‘Coat Of Many Colors’
on Dec 29, 2017

4. Jennifer’s Favorite Scenes Were The Sad Ones
Coat of Many Colors has plenty of happy moments in it, but there are a fair share of sad ones as well. The greatest tragedy in the film is when Avie Lee prematurely gives birth to a baby boy and he passes away. Throughout the film, the entire family tries to cope and come to terms with their loss.
The loss had the greatest impact on Avie Lee, and Jennifer did a superb job at portraying the heartbreak she felt. But as emotional as those moments were to film, Jennifer shared in an interview that they were actually her favorite scenes.
“Interestingly enough, my favorite moments were the most painful ones,” she said. “The funeral scene in particular. How cathartic. I hope its rawness touches people and reminds them that their own losses are seen and understood.“
People certainly were touched by that scene, since almost everyone knows what it’s like to lose a loved one. Jennifer’s astounding performance only added further to the power of that scene, and the entire film as a whole.