Singer Makes ‘Voice’ History With Haunting Cover Of Country Classic ‘Ode To Billie Joe’

Country Classic Revived In Voice Blinds

It seems that you no more than blink, and the blind auditions for each season of The Voice have come to an end. Hard to believe it, but the final blind auditions for Season 13 aired way back in October 2017. Those final auditions featured a wealth of talent, including one young woman who sang a country classic.

That young woman’s name is Megan Rose, and the song she chose to sing was Bobbie Gentry‘s “Ode to Billie Joe.” The song is as mysterious as can be, and tells the tragic story of the life and death of a character named Billie Joe McAllister.

“Ode to Billie Joe” was one of the biggest hits of Gentry’s entire career. It reached the top spot on the Billboard Hot 100 and was later ranked by Rolling Stone as one of the greatest songs of all time.

Only Two Coaches Could Turn

Since the song has so much history behind it, Rose was under a lot of pressure to pull it off. She managed to do just that, and delivered a powerful performance that blended elements of blues, soul, and country all into one.

What was particularly impressive about Rose’s performance was her ability to capture the song’s haunting nature through her voice. She told the story so well that the coaches found themselves mesmerized by what they heard.

Blake Shelton and Jennifer Hudson‘s teams were already full by the time that Rose stepped up on the stage. Based on their reactions to her performance, we feel confident that they both would have turned around for her if they could have. Instead, they enthusiastically encouraged Miley Cyrus and Adam Levine to turn their chairs around.

How This Singer Made History

Cyrus and Levine took their fellow coaches’ advice, and both turned their chairs. Rose was in tears by the time she finished singing, as she was overjoyed to officially have a spot on the show.

While both Cyrus and Levine made good points about why Rose should join their teams, she eventually ended up picking Cyrus as her coach. In doing so, she made Voice history, as Cyrus’ team became the first all-female team to ever exist following the show’s blind auditions.

You can watch Rose’s history-making audition in the clip below.