Runaway Bull Starts Wild Chase Through City Streets

Theodore Parisienne via AM New York

Running For His Life

Imagine: you’re faced with certain death unless you escape. Do you give in to your seemingly inevitable fate, or do you make a run for it?

A bull at a slaughterhouse in Queens chose the latter. After escaping the slaughterhouse, employees attempted to capture the animal, shooting him with tranquilizer darts. Despite being loaded with the dose normally needed to subdue an animal of his size, the bull continued to run.

An Unfortunate Ending

After he was cornered, animal advocates at Farm Sanctuary, an animal rescue facility, were given custody of him. Sadly, the bull passed away on the way to the rescue facility. Animal care workers agree that the likely cause of death was an overdose of tranquilizers that caused his heart to stop. Meredith Turner-Smith, a spokesperson for Farm Sanctuary, said, “Very sad. He wanted to live so badly and gave it everything he had.”

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